Importance of Exit pages

The ‘exit page‘ is the last page visitors view before they  leave your website. It is an important metric often overlooked.

Snoobi Analytics has a specific panel to show Exit Pages, which shows valuable information.

How to use the 'Exit Pages' pane to your benefit.

What is an ‘Exit Page’?

The ‘exit page‘ is the last page visitors view before they leave your website. In simple words, it shows how many people exit the site from a particular web page. It tells you if people leave your website where you want them to. Together with ‘Time spent on page‘, this is an important metric to review.
Below are a number of reasons why ‘Exit pages’ metrics are important, and how this information can be used.

Decide a good location for your Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you see visitors leaving your site on a specific page that has product information, pricing or other important information, adding a Call-to-Action button for more information or request a demonstration can increase your conversion rate. And we all know that even small increases can have a big impact.
And if you do paid advertising and the landing page of your ad has a high exit rate then it is clearly not functioning as you expect.

Does your CTA actually function as required?

If you see visitors leave your website on a page where you already have a CTA button or link, it is maybe useful to review the content of the page. Does that content really ‘connect’ to your visitors, does it contain information they expect to see?

Optimize website for less ‘leakage’ through exit pages – some tips:

  • Improve Readability: use short and simple words, short sentences, proper formatting and headings and avoid large paragraphs.
  • Match page title and content to visitor expectation: your page title and content needs to align to what the visitor expects to see.
  • Create an interesting CTA: use a graphic or text to alert the user of the action that you want them to take on the page.
  • Browser and Mobile compatibility: it is important to ensure that proper testing is done on your website so that all browsers and mobile devices can read the information and present it to the visitor as you expect.

    Combine the exit page report with elements on the technical metrics (such as browser and device type) to find out specific issues.

Optimize product pages

Does a relatively large percentage of your visitors exit the website on your product pages?
Then it is clearly time to review the content on these pages: is there too much or too little information, is there a clear image and does the page load sufficiently fast? Small changes can make a big impact on your conversion rates.



These are just a few reasons why reviewing exit pages is important.

Of course, all of your website visitors are eventually going to leave your website, either by actually leaving or by being inactive after 30 minutes (the session time-out threshold).
However, you want to review and optimize the pages and information on those pages that make people more likely to leave than others.
Some pages are designed as exit pages, such as the confirmation page after submitting an order or a form. But other pages should not be exit pages if you expect your reader to continue their visit on your site. So reviewing this metric and searching for patterns and trends is important to keep your website in the best shape possible!

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